how to choose a good centrifugal pump company news news-凯发网站

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how to choose a good centrifugal pump

source: time:2017-05-20 21:37:22 frequency:

the characteristic curve of centrifugal pump is a set of curves that will be plotted by experimental data such as q, h, n and eta. this diagram is provided by the manufacturer of the pump,

the characteristic curve of centrifugal pump is a set of curves that will be plotted by experimental data such as q, h, n and eta. this diagram is provided by the manufacturer of the pump, which can be used for the pump and operation of the pump. different models of pump have different characteristic curves, but they all have the following three curves:

(1) the h-q line indicates the relationship between the head and the flow;

(2) the n-q line indicates the relationship between pump shaft power and flow;

(3) the eta - q line indicates the efficiency and flow of the pump;

the characteristic curve of the pump is measured at a certain speed, so the speed n value is put on the characteristic curve.

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